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Subject Evaluation Framework for Youth Development through Martial Arts(In Progress)

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Evaluation Framework for Youth Development through Martial Arts


Objective : To develop guidelines on how to teach martial arts and where martial arts education should be headed for youth development

○ Description 

    - Sharing of good practices in martial arts education and estabilshment of an evaluation framework based on case studies on martial arts education

      in 16 countries

    - Revision and editing for approval by the UNESCO Publications Board

    - Good practices in martial arts education to be published in print in Korean and English in December

 ○ Future plans

    - A digital copy of the publication to be uploaded on the UNESCO headquarters and ICM website

    - Hard copies to be distributed to relevant organizations and groups in and out of Korea

    - The work done to this point will be used as reference material for future youth camps or martial arts open schools

○ Coordination and Partnership : UNESCO Bangkok regional office