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Subject Research on World Martial Arts

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Research on World Martial Arts

○ Objective

    - To collect all relevant information for the operation of a data clearing house designed to

      collect, store and disseminate records and data pertaining to martial arts

    - To lay a foundation fo research and foster academic activities regarding martial arts and their positive impact by accumulating data and information

      on martial arts around the world

○ Period : 25th of July to 24th of December 2018

○ Scope of Research : Types, chracteristics and history of martial arts, how they are passed down, human network and other features in five Southeast Asian countries(Laos, Myanmar, Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand)

○ Research Methodology : Literature and online surveys along with field surveys

○ Description

     - Six field surveys in five countries / interviews with local experts, photographs and videos for each martial art

     - Expert consultation on the interim report and final report

○ Commissioned to the Industry University Cooperation Foundation, Chungbuk National University