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Title [Europe] Stav

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Name Stav
Alternative Names
Origin Norway
Main Techniques Weapon-based
Weapons Sticks
Purpose of Practice Martial Paths
Type of Origination Created
Degree of Sportification N/A
Yes (Year:)      No
General Information Stav is a Norwegian martial art invented by Ivar Hafskjold.The postures are based on runes found within the stav symbol.Sources on stav are limited to mainly blogs (among which some quality blogs). According to Angerboda stav is more accurately described as an ‘esoteric educational system’ than as a martial art. The martial art is only a tool to teach the philosophy of stav (Angerboda 2012). Others say it is closer to a religion or philosophy than a martial art (The True Fork, s.d.).
History/Development Stav claims to be based on an ancient philosophy and family tradition that has been kept secret for many years to avoid prosecution of the church. The claimed old age and inherited tradition of the system raised a lot of controversy (Angerboda 2012; The Pedantic Swordsman, s.d.). Also the technicalities of the martial art raise a lot of questions (The Pedantic Swordsman, s.d.) Ivar Hafskjold learned stav from his older relatives while growing up in Norway. He went to Japan and studied martial arts and started ‘stav’ upon return.
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Additional Materials
References - The True Fork, (s.d.). “The Fighting System of Northern Europe”, truefork,
- Angerboda (2018). “Stav – runes and martial art”, Angerboda, https://engblogg.angerboda.se/2018/01/01/stav-runes-and-martial-art-9/
- The Pedantic Swordsman, (s.d.). “Stav is a Joke”, pedanticswordsman.