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Title [Asia] Tegumi

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Name Tegumi
Alternative Names Muto
Origin Japan
Main Techniques Grappling
Weapons N/A
Purpose of Practice Martial Games
Type of Origination Transmitted
Degree of Sportification International
Yes (Year: )      No
General Information Tegumi, also called muto, is a wrestling style originating from Okinawa, Japan. Often it is described as Okinawan sumo.The goal of tegumi is to pin the opponent on his back to the ground (Apsokardu 2009).
History/Development Tegumi combined with striking and kicking techniques originating in China might have been a predecessor of karate (Hetzler 2018).Sports tegumi was mostly about trying to unbalance the opponent but the combative tegumi included pinching, joint locks, gauging etc. Tuite (joint manipulation) and kyusho (vital point striking) are also part of this wrestling style.Tegumi is part of the original karate, but due to its unsafe nature it wasn’t passed on to school children when karate became part of the general curriculum in Japan and resulted in the disappearance of tegumi in some karate systems (Apsokardu 2009).
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References - Apsokardu, M. (2009). “Tegumi – Okinawan Grappling and Wrestling”, ikigaiway.com.
- Hetzler, B. (2018) “Tegumi: The Traditional Wrestling Art from Okinawa”, BJJ.