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Title [South America] Juego del garrote

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Name Juego del garrote
Alternative Names Juego del garrote larense, Garrote tocuyano
Origin Venezuela
Main Techniques Weapon-based
Weapons Multiple (Knives, sticks)
Purpose of Practice Warrior Arts
Type of Origination Transmitted
Degree of Sportification
Yes (Year: )      No
General Information Juego del garrote is a Venezuelan martial art involving stick-fighting. In some styles machetes or knifes are used as well.The stick measures about 80 cm and has a diameter of 1.5-2.5 cm (Venezuela Marcial 2013). One end is often covered with colourful woven fabric for a more comfortable grip. It is used as both a defensive and offensive weapon. The aim of garrote is not to kill but to get respect (Ryan 2011: 80).
History/Development The art has been practiced in Venezuela from the mid nineteenth century onwards, mainly in the states of Guarico and Lara (Enciclopedio, s.d.).Juego del garrote originates from the Spanish fencing culture with influences from the Canary Islands, African culture and the indigenous cultures of Venezuela.
Until recently juego del garrote was exclusively practised by men, but times are changing.
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Additional Materials - Michael J. R. (2011). “Pueblo street fighting to national martial art: Nation building and the nationalization of a Venezuelan civilian combative practice”, in: American Ethnologist vol. 38, No. 3 (August 2011), pp. 531-547
- Sanoja, E. (1984). Juego de garrote larense: el método venezolano de defensa personal, Caracas: Federación Nacional de la Cultura Popular.
- Vásquez, W.H. (2007). Manual básico del juego del garrote, Cáracas, Venezuela: Fundación Editorial El Perro y la Rana.
- OlaBolivariana. (2013). “Escuela de garrote en el Museo de Barquisimeto cumple un año” https://web.archive.org/web/20150929134114/http://www.olabolivariana.org.ve/noticias/escuela-de-garrote-en-el-museo-de-barquisimeto-cumple-un-ano/#.VgnL1_l_Oko#.VgnL1_l_Oko
References - Enciclopedio. (s.d.). “Garrote tocuyano”, Enciclopedia. http://enciclopedia.us.es/index.php/Garrote_tocuyano
- Ryan, M.J. (2011). “The Development and Transmission of Stick Fighting in Venezuela Garrote de Lara, A Civilian Combative Art of the Pueblo” in: The Latin Americanist, September 2011.
- Venezuela Marcial. (2013). “El Juego del Garrote Larense”, Venezuela Marcial. https://web.archive.org/web/20150930063700/http://www.venezuelamarcial.com/garrote-larense/el-juego-del-garrote-tocuyano